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Aquarium enthusiasts are well acquainted with the captivating world of Siamese Fighting Fish. These small, colorful jewels of the underwater realm are beloved not only for their beauty but also for their intriguing behavior and unique biological features. In this article, we dive into the world of Siamese Fighting Fish and discover what makes them so special. 

What are Siamese Fighting Fish?

Scientifically known as Betta splendens, Siamese Fighting Fish originally hail from the warm, shallow waters of Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Commonly found in rice paddies and small streams, these fish are primarily known for their impressive appearance. 

The color palette of Siamese Fighting Fish is breathtaking. From deep blues to radiant reds and shimmering greens, these fish come in a stunning array of colors. Their fins, fluttering like silky veils in the water, make them a true centerpiece in any aquarium. 

A distinctive feature of the Siamese Fighting Fish is their labyrinth organ. This organ allows the fish to breathe oxygen directly from the air, rather than solely through their gills. This adaptation is particularly useful in oxygen-poor environments, common in their native habitats. It enables the fish to thrive in relatively stagnant, shallow waters where other fish might struggle. 

Habitat and Keeping in an Aquarium

siamese fighting fish on white background
© sm wizard –

In the wild, Siamese Fighting Fish prefer warm, shallow waters like rice paddies, marshes, and slow-moving streams. They are known for their adaptability to various water conditions, managing well in oxygen-poor environments thanks to their labyrinth organ. 

In the aquarium, they should be kept in a sufficiently large tank that provides ample space for free swimming. It’s also important that the aquarium offers hiding places and calm retreats. Consistent water quality and temperature are essential to maintain the health of these delicate fish

It’s important to note that

males are known for their aggressive and territorial behavior. They should not be kept with other males of their species, as this can lead to fights. They can also be aggressive towards other fish species, so caution is advised when choosing tank mates. Here are some fish species that are often successfully kept with Siamese Fighting Fish: 

  • Snails and Shrimp: Many aquarists report successful cohabitation with peaceful snail species like Apple Snails or shrimp such as Amano or Red Cherry Shrimp. These smaller inhabitants are usually not bothered by the Siamese Fighting Fish. 
  • Corydoras (Cory Cats): These bottom-dwelling fish are peaceful and pose no threat to Siamese Fighting Fish. Their calm nature can be a good complement, provided the aquarium offers enough space. 
  • Platies or Mollies: These fish species can sometimes be housed with your Fish, though care should be taken to ensure they don’t harass or nip at the fins of the Siamese Fighting Fish. 
  • Dwarf Barbs: Fish like the Mosquito Barb (Boraras brigittae) are small and fast, making them a potential choice for a community aquarium with a Siamese Fighting Fish. Their size and speed help them avoid potential aggression. 
  • Cardinal Tetras and Neon Tetras: These small schooling fish can also be kept together, but caution is advised as lively swarms can stress the Siamese Fighting Fish.

It’s crucial to emphasize that every cohabitation is individual and depends on the personality of the Siamese Fighting Fish. Some Siamese Fighting Fish tolerate other fish species in their territory, while others can be aggressive towards all other fish. Therefore, be prepared to separate the fish if signs of stress or aggression occur. Moreover, the aquarium should be sufficiently large and well-structured to provide enough hiding and retreat options for all inhabitants. This helps minimize conflicts and ensures peaceful cohabitation. 


Siamese Fighting Fish are a wonderful addition to any home aquarium. While they require a certain level of care and attention, the reward of a vibrant and lively aquarium makes it worthwhile. If you are prepared to meet the needs of these unique fish, you will be rewarded with a fascinating underwater world that amazes you every day. 



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