


For the well-being of our pets

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  • A Flea in the House Rarely Comes Alone: How to Make Your Home Flea-Free 

    1. January 2024


    Reading Time: 3 Min.

    A single flea is like an uninvited party guest who never arrives alone. Before you know it, your home could become the hotspot of a real flea disco. But don't panic! We'll show you how to successfully get rid of these unwelcome guests. ...

  • Cat Disease FORL: A Closer Look at a Hidden Affliction 

    12. December 2023


    Reading Time: 3 Min.

    When it comes to the health of our cats, we monitor their fur, their eyes, and their overall well-being. But what about the health of their teeth? A particular condition that can secretly spread in the mouths of our cats is Feline Odontoclastic Resorptive Lesion, known as FORL. This dental disease is both insidious and painful, and often remains undetected until it has significantly progressed. In this article, we have summarized what every cat owner should know. ...

  • Revolution in the Litter Box: Innovative Cat Litter with pH Indicator 

    15. November 2023


    Reading Time: 4 Min.

    As a cat owner, the well-being of your furry friends is undoubtedly your top priority. Imagine there's now an innovative solution that not only makes caring for the litter box easier but also keeps an eye on your cat's health: cat litter with a pH indicator. This new type of litter can help you detect potential health issues early by making changes in the pH level of the urine visible. ...

  • Fit and Healthy: The Right Exercise Plan for Your Four-Legged Friend

    29. September 2023


    Reading Time: 5 Min.

    Dogs are naturally active animals that require plenty of physical activity and mental stimulation. But how do you determine the right amount of activity for your furry friend to keep them fit and healthy? A well-thought-out exercise plan can help. In this blog post, you'll receive valuable tips and insights. ...

  • Beware, Poisonous! Houseplants Dangerous for Cats 

    17. September 2023


    Reading Time: 4 Min.

    Every cat owner knows just how curious and playful these little four-legged friends can be. Their inclination to sniff, chew, and play with anything they come across can become dangerous when they encounter poisonous plants. Unknown dangers often lurk in our homes in the form of houseplants toxic to cats. In this article, we'll shed light on some of the most common poisonous houseplants and provide tips on how to protect your feline friend. ...

  • Stung! How to React Properly to Insect Bites in Dogs

    13. September 2023


    Reading Time: 3 Min.

    The warm months lure not only us humans outdoors, but also a multitude of insects. Whether on a walk, in the garden, or during playtime - dogs are not always immune to insect stings. In this blog post, you'll learn how to best respond when your four-legged friend has been stung by an insect.  ...

  • Free from Fleas and Ticks: How to Optimize Protection for Your Dog and Cat

    9. September 2023


    Reading Time: 2 Min.

    Fleas and ticks are not just annoying parasites; they can also transmit various diseases to our beloved pets. The warm months, in particular, bring many of these tiny pests, but even in winter, they can cause problems for our animals. Therefore, it's essential to protect your dog and cat optimally. In this article, you will receive valuable tips to effectively ward off fleas and ticks. ...

  • Sick Fish in the Home Aquarium: When is a Visit to the Veterinarian Necessary?

    5. September 2023


    Reading Time: 3 Min.

    Anyone who owns a home aquarium knows that fish are not only easy-to-care-for pets but also sensitive creatures that require special attention. Just like all animals, fish can get sick, which is often noticeable through changes in their behavior, appearance, or environment. But when exactly should one take a sick fish to the vet? Here are some hints and tips to ensure the well-being of your scaly friend.  ...

  • Shield for Paws: Why Vaccinations are Vital for Dogs and Cats 

    1. September 2023


    Reading Time: 12 Min.

    The health and well-being of our beloved pets are a top priority for many pet owners. In this regard, vaccinations play a pivotal role that is often underestimated. They are not just a sign of responsible pet ownership but significantly contribute to the prevention of diseases that could otherwise have severe consequences for our furry friends.  ...

  • Going to Work When the Pet is Sick? – Rights and Options for Employees

    30. June 2023


    Reading Time: 3 Min.

    Caring for a sick pet is a major challenge for many pet owners. But what happens when you are working and need to take care of the sick animal? What rights do employees have in such a situation? In this article, we take a look at the legal aspects and provide some tips on how to behave as a dog owner in this difficult situation.  ...



Pet Care

Live together, grow together

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  • 182

    18. June 2024

    Lizards as pets: The essential guide

    Are you thinking about getting a pet that is not only fascinating but also unique? Terraristics, the hobby of keeping exotic animals in captivity, requires specific knowledge and dedication. Then a lizard could be just the thing for you! Lizards are fascinating creatures that have their own charm and special needs. ...

    Reading Time: 12 Min.

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    17. June 2024

    Which pet is suitable for allergy sufferers: a guide

    Pets bring joy and enrich our lives. But what if you are allergic to them? Does that mean you have to do without a pet? Fortunately not! With the right information and consideration, you can find a pet that is suitable for allergy sufferers. In this article, you will find out which pets are suitable for you and how you can minimise allergic reactions. ...

    Reading Time: 13 Min.

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    28. January 2024

    Mice as Pets: Which Species are Best Suited?

    Mice are fascinating little creatures that captivate more and more animal lovers with their lively behavior and curiosity. Not only are they easy to care for, but they also make interesting and interactive pets. But which mouse species are best suited for home keeping? In this article, we take a look at the most popular mouse species that are suitable as pets. ...

    Reading Time: 4 Min.

  • 436

    26. January 2024

    Ferrets as Pets: What You Need to Know Before Getting a Ferret 

    Ferrets are lively, curious, and unique pets that require a special kind of care and attention. Before deciding to bring a ferret into your home, you should thoroughly inform yourself about their needs, characteristics, and the responsibility that comes with their care. ...

    Reading Time: 5 Min.



Every bite makes a difference

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    24. January 2024

    Proper Nutrition for Siamese Fighting Fish

    Siamese Fighting Fish, scientifically known as Betta splendens, are renowned primarily for their striking appearance. But these elegant and colorful fish have specific nutritional needs beyond their visual allure. In this article, you'll learn everything important about feeding your Fighting Fish to keep it healthy and happy. ...

    Reading Time: 2 Min.

  • 380

    11. January 2024

    Feeding Garden Birds in Winter: Your Guide for the Cold Season 

    Are you a nature lover and want to know how you can help garden birds through the cold winter? In winter, when food is scarce, our feathered friends can use all the support they can get. Here you'll learn how to properly feed garden birds and accompany them through the cold season. ...

    Reading Time: 3 Min.

  • 332

    5. January 2024

    Why Is My Snake Not Eating? Possible Causes and Solutions 

    If you have a snake as a pet, it can be worrying when it suddenly refuses food. However, snakes are known for their sometimes finicky eating habits. In this article, we'll explore possible reasons why snakes may occasionally stop eating, and provide tips on how to encourage your pet to eat. You'll also learn when it's advisable to visit a vet. ...

    Reading Time: 2 Min.

  • 318

    18. December 2023

    Feeding Hedgehogs in the Garden: A Guide for Animal Lovers 

    Willkommen in der Welt der Igel! Diese charmanten kleinen Stacheltiere sind eine wahre Bereicherung für jeden Garten. Als nützliche Helfer im Kampf gegen Schädlinge wie Schnecken, tragen sie zur natürlichen Balance unseres Ökosystems bei. Doch manchmal benötigen sie unsere Unterstützung, insbesondere im Herbst, wenn sie sich auf den Winterschlaf vorbereiten. In diesem Blogbeitrag zeigen wir dir, wie du Igel in deinem Garten richtig füttern und ihnen so über die kritischen Zeiten helfen kannst. ...

    Reading Time: 4 Min.


Pet Toys

When paws dance and beaks snap

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    27. January 2024

    The Best Toys for Ferrets: Entertainment and Stimulation for Your Agile Friends

    Ferrets are known for their playful nature and tireless spirit of discovery. To satisfy their curiosity and provide sufficient occupation, it is important to offer them a variety of toys. In this article, we present the best toys for ferrets that not only provide fun but also contribute to the mental and physical health of your furry friends. ...

    Reading Time: 2 Min.

  • 414

    17. January 2024

    Intelligence Toys for Parrots: Keeping Your Feathered Friend Active and Fit

    Parrots are not only colorful and social birds, they are also among the most intelligent animal species. Their high intelligence and curiosity require regular mental stimulation. This is where intelligence toys come into play. In this article, you'll learn why intelligence toys are so important for parrots and how to choose the right toy for your feathered friend. ...

    Reading Time: 2 Min.

  • 417

    10. December 2023

    Playtime for Long-Ears: Safe and Stimulating Toys for Rabbits 

    Rabbits are curious and intelligent creatures that require not just ample space to hop around, but also mental stimulation. Toys play a crucial role in this. They encourage natural behaviors and contribute to the health and well-being of your rabbit. However, not every toy is safe or suitable. We have summarized for you which toys can make your rabbit happy and what you should look for when choosing them. ...

    Reading Time: 2 Min.

  • 394

    3. December 2023

    Scratching Posts: Why They Are Essential for Your Cat’s Well-being 

    If you share your home with a feline friend, you know that your velvety cohabitant needs more than just food and affection. Scratching posts are indispensable for cats - they are much more than just a piece of furniture. In this article, you’ll discover why a scratching post is a must-have in every cat household. ...

    Reading Time: 7 Min.



The wonderful world of special moments

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  • 381

    27. June 2024

    The Dalai Lama’s cat: a tribute to stray cats

    Have you ever stopped to look at the charming guardians of our public spaces? And I don't mean the ancient monuments and statues, but of the adorable stray cats that roam around churches, monasteries, parks and other public places. The book "The Dalai Lama's Cat" is a wonderful tribute to these stray cats. It combines humour, wisdom and a love of animals in a unique way and sheds light on the cats' interactions with His Holiness the Dalai Lama and his spiritual guidance. ...

    Reading Time: 9 Min.

  • 158

    24. June 2024

    Bear Remembrance Day 2024: Protection for our bears

    Bear Remembrance Day on 26 June reminds us of the importance of bear conservation. Initiated in honour of Bruno the brown bear, this day aims to raise awareness of how to deal with large carnivores. The reason for Bear Memorial Day lies in Bruno's fate, which shows how necessary it is to establish protective measures for bears and enable them to live together in harmony. ...

    Reading Time: 10 Min.

  • 417

    14. January 2024

    We Celebrate ‘Dress Up Your Pet Day’ 

    'Dress Up Your Pet Day' is a fun holiday celebrated annually on January 14th. It was initiated in 2009 by the American animal advocate Colleen Paige. Ever since, pet owners have been encouraged to dress their pets – usually dogs and cats – in funny or extravagant costumes. ...

    Reading Time: 3 Min.

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    31. December 2023

    10 New Year’s Resolutions for Animal Lovers: Make the New Year the Best Year for Your Pet

    The New Year is a time for reflection and making resolutions. While we often think about our own goals and desires, we shouldn't forget our loyal animal companions. Here are ten good resolutions for pet owners to start the new year healthy and happy with their furry friends. ...

    Reading Time: 2 Min.
